Goals for Growth: Email Marketing
Sep 15, 2020
"Email marketing is dead," they say. (insert eye roll here)
Email marketing is still a viable way to connect with your audience. It is one of the most intimate ways to nurture your relationship. If you're talking about business growth, email marketing is a great piece to add to your marketing strategy.
Most entrepreneurs set their email marketing goals strictly around the numbers. We say things like, "I want to have 5K email addresses." Although that is an important goal, it does not provide you the means to reach said goal.
So, we have a few key ingredients to create great email marketing goals that support increased growth for your brand.
Yes. We always start with the obvious. Regularly sending emails allows you to stay on the minds of your audience regularly. Be realistic! For some people, one email per week is possible; for others, one per month is manageable.
Remember that the people on your email list said "yes" to hearing from you. So, choose your cadence and show up in their inbox like clockwork!
Example consistency goal: I will send emails to my email list every other week to offer value and remind my audience of events and products.
Email isn't just about repeating what you're saying on all your other marketing channels. It's an opportunity to form a deeper connection with your audience.
So, every email that you send should have value for the reader. Maybe it's a deeper dive into the tips you gave on social media. Maybe you offer a deeper discount to those who put up with you in their inbox every week.
Whatever value you choose, make it relevant to your audience and interesting so that they continue to open your brand's emails.
Example value goal: In the four emails I send monthly, I will offer information in two, a discount in one, and a giveaway in the other.
Most email marketing is pretty standard: a banner, a body full of text, and a couple of graphics. This method is 100% acceptable and great practice. But, we want to encourage you to set goals around being more creative.
Your audience likely gets a ton (this is not an exaggeration) of emails daily. Try to shake up their inbox occasionally. Think about fun and unique ways you can present your content, your products, or your opportunities.
Adding elements like GIFs, videos, or downloads can keep your audience engaged and looking for your next email!
Example creativity goal: I will send two emails per month. In the first, I will send a fun, 2-minute video, and in the second, I will offer a discount for those who comment on my social media posts.
Dead? Email marketing?! Nah. We aren't hearing that.
If you set healthy email marketing goals that deliver viable content and a focused result from your audience, you will find that email marketing may be the key piece to get your audience to commit.
Head to our Instagram post with the picture from this blog post and tell us one of your email marketing goals!